History Narrator

Japanese, English, Italian
National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter
Likes and interests
History, Traditional Culture, Nature・Scenery, Movies
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About Mediator
Mi chiamo Tomonao Matsuura. Mi interessa la storia e cultura dei paesi europei perchè ho lavorato 8 anni in Regno Unito, e ora voglio parlare della storia di Giappone con i turisti dal'estero. Ci sono tanti posti da cui si può sentire come la cultura di Giappone ha originato e sviluppato. Introdurrò quelli posti a cui trovate la combinazione di cosa tradizionale e moderna in varietá di aspetto in Giappone, spezialmente in Tokyo e Kamakura. My name is Tomonao Matsuura. I lived in England for 8 years, and thus learned English history and culture in depth. I also got to learn about other history and culture of various European countries, especially Italy. Now I hope to introduce Japanese culture and history to tourists from other countries. There are a number of historical sites where we can learn how Japanese culture originated and developed in contrast with other countries. I also know many modern places that you can experience the modernity of Japan. I would love to take you around Japan, especially Tokyo and Kamakura!


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